Monday, April 13, 2015

My second prototype

I went back to the drawing board and re-designed my prototype from the original model that I created.

1. I made the prototype significantly smaller because the original was way too big.
2. I also made the ledge from the opener extend out further to be more effective in opening bottles such as ink and paint.
3. I had to make the supports stronger in order to support different weights and pressures being applied to the prototype.

The orange is the original prototype and the pink one is the one I made smaller:

In the image on the right, you can see how I altered the size of the prototype to be much smaller to better accommodate a hand. Here is the new prototype below:

WELL THEN. First, as I was walking up the stairs to go to class the prototype actually broke in my hands. I knew I needed to make the walls more supportive. However, the bottom part of my prototype broke off, and it could still be helpful and effective without it. As I was opening my water bottle using the prosthetic, the top opener actually flew off. Therefore, my original prosthetic was actually now in 3 separate pieces. I knew that I had to make the supports stronger and more supportive to support any art item being opened. Here is an image of all 3 pieces below:

On the left is the lower part of the finger piece, with the main part of the finger in the center and the broken off opener on the left side of the image. I went back into tinkercad and:

1. Added more supports under the opener
2. Made the finger much smaller overall
3. Got rid of some of the ledge that I originally added because it was a tad too big than what I would of liked.

I truly enjoyed going through this process and learned what worked and what did not work. I liked creating an original design and printing it several times because these obstacles allowed for growth in the end. I was determined to create a prosthetic to open bottles of paint and ink, and I am still determined to create one, it just needed practice and refining. Lets hope prototype 3 will work and will be just what I originally planned!

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